Class CandyMachinePdasClient

This client allows you to build PDAs related to the Candy Machine module.




  • CandyMachinePdasClient



metaplex: Metaplex


  • Finds the Mint Limit Counter PDA that keeps track of how many NFTs where minted by a given user on a given Candy Machine.


    • __namedParameters: {
          id: number;
          user: PublicKey;
          candyGuard: PublicKey;
          candyMachine: PublicKey;
          programs?: Program[];
      • id: number

        A unique identifier in the context of a Candy Machine/Candy Guard combo.

      • user: PublicKey

        The address of the wallet trying to mint.

      • candyGuard: PublicKey

        The address of the Candy Guard account.

      • candyMachine: PublicKey

        The address of the Candy Machine account.

      • Optional programs?: Program[]

        An optional set of programs that override the registered ones.

    Returns Pda

  • Finds the Allow List Proof PDA that keeps track of whether a user has provided the correct Merkle Proof for the given Merkle Root.


    • __namedParameters: {
          merkleRoot: Uint8Array;
          user: PublicKey;
          candyGuard: PublicKey;
          candyMachine: PublicKey;
          programs?: Program[];
      • merkleRoot: Uint8Array

        The Merkle Root used when verifying the user.

      • user: PublicKey

        The address of the wallet trying to mint.

      • candyGuard: PublicKey

        The address of the Candy Guard account.

      • candyMachine: PublicKey

        The address of the Candy Machine account.

      • Optional programs?: Program[]

        An optional set of programs that override the registered ones.

    Returns Pda

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