Type alias CallCandyGuardRouteBuilderParams<Guard, Settings, RouteSettings>

CallCandyGuardRouteBuilderParams<Guard, Settings, RouteSettings>: {
    settings: RouteSettings[Guard];
    candyMachine: Pick<CandyMachine<Settings>, "address" | "candyGuard">;
    guard: Guard;
    group?: undefined | Option<string>;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • settings: RouteSettings[Guard]

    The route settings of the selected guard.

    These will depend on the type of guard selected but they will usually include a path property to distinguish between the different paths available within their "route" instruction.

  • candyMachine: Pick<CandyMachine<Settings>, "address" | "candyGuard">

    The Candy Machine containing the guard we are interested in. We only need a subset of the CandyMachine model but we need enough information regarding its settings to know how to execute the route instruction on the guard.

    This includes its address and the Candy Guard account associated with it.

  • guard: Guard

    The guard to select on the Candy Machine.

    If the Candy Machine uses groups of guards, the group property must also be provided so we known which specific guard to select.

  • Optional group?: undefined | Option<string>

    The label of the group to mint from.

    If groups are configured on the Candy Machine, you must specify a group label to mint from.

    When set to null it will mint using the default guards, provided no groups are configured.

    Default Value


  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that mints from the Candy Machine.

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