Type alias CreateAuctionHouseBuilderContext

CreateAuctionHouseBuilderContext: {
    treasuryWithdrawalDestinationAddress: PublicKey;
    auctionHouseAddress: Pda;
    auctionHouseFeeAccountAddress: Pda;
    auctionHouseTreasuryAddress: Pda;

Type declaration

  • treasuryWithdrawalDestinationAddress: PublicKey

    The account that is marked as a destination of withdrawal from the treasury account.

  • auctionHouseAddress: Pda

    The address of the Auction House.

  • auctionHouseFeeAccountAddress: Pda

    The account that used to pay the fees for selling and buying.

  • auctionHouseTreasuryAddress: Pda

    The account that receives the AuctionHouse fees.

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