Type alias CreateCompressedNftBuilderParams

CreateCompressedNftBuilderParams: {
    name: string;
    sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
    uri: string;
    tree: PublicKey;
    symbol?: undefined | string;
    collection?: undefined | Option<PublicKey>;
    creators?: undefined | CreatorInput[];
    tokenOwner?: undefined | PublicKey;
    updateAuthority?: undefined | Signer;
    isMutable?: undefined | boolean;
    uses?: undefined | Option<Uses>;
    collectionAuthority?: undefined | Option<Signer>;
    collectionAuthorityIsDelegated?: undefined | boolean;
    tokenExists?: undefined | boolean;
    createMintAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    initializeMintInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    createAssociatedTokenAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    createTokenAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    initializeTokenInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    mintTokensInstructionKey?: undefined | string;
    createMetadataInstructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • name: string

    The on-chain name of the asset, e.g. "My SFT".

  • sellerFeeBasisPoints: number

    The royalties in percent basis point (i.e. 250 is 2.5%) that should be paid to the creators on each secondary sale.

  • uri: string

    The URI that points to the JSON metadata of the asset.

  • tree: PublicKey

    The address corresponding to the merkle tree where this compressed NFT will be stored.

    Must be created ahead of time.

    Default Value


  • Optional symbol?: undefined | string

    The on-chain symbol of the asset, stored in the Metadata account. E.g. "MYSFT".

    Default Value


  • Optional collection?: undefined | Option<PublicKey>

    The Collection NFT that this new SFT belongs to. When null, the created SFT will not be part of a collection.

    Default Value


  • Optional creators?: undefined | CreatorInput[]

    This object provides a way of providing creator information when needed, e.g. when creating or updating NFTs, candy machines, etc.

    It allows us to optionally provide an authority as a Signer so we can both set and verify the creator within the same operation.

    Default Value

    Defaults to using the provided updateAuthority as the only verified creator.

    address: updateAuthority.publicKey,
    authority: updateAuthority,
    share: 100,
  • Optional tokenOwner?: undefined | PublicKey

    The owner of a token account associated with the SFT to create.

    This is completely optional as creating an SFT does not require the existence of a token account. When provided, an associated token account will be created from the given owner.

    You may alternatively pass the tokenAddress parameter instead.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not creating and/or minting any token account.

  • Optional updateAuthority?: undefined | Signer

    The authority that will be able to make changes to the created SFT.

    This is required as a Signer because creating the metadata account requires the update authority to be part of the creators array as a verified creator.

    Default Value


  • Optional isMutable?: undefined | boolean

    Whether or not the SFT's metadata is mutable. When set to false no one can update the Metadata account, not even the update authority.

    Default Value


  • Optional uses?: undefined | Option<Uses>

    When this field is not null, it indicates that the SFT can be "used" by its owner or any approved "use authorities".

    Default Value


  • Optional collectionAuthority?: undefined | Option<Signer>

    The collection authority that should sign the created SFT to prove that it is part of the provided collection. When null, the provided collection will not be verified.

    Default Value


  • Optional collectionAuthorityIsDelegated?: undefined | boolean

    Whether or not the provided collectionAuthority is a delegated collection authority, i.e. it was approved by the update authority using metaplex.nfts().approveCollectionAuthority().

    Default Value


  • Optional tokenExists?: undefined | boolean

    Whether or not the provided token account already exists. If false, we'll add another instruction to create it.

    Default Value


  • Optional createMintAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that creates the mint account.

  • Optional initializeMintInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that initializes the mint account.

  • Optional createAssociatedTokenAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that creates the associated token account.

  • Optional createTokenAccountInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that creates the token account.

  • Optional initializeTokenInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that initializes the token account.

  • Optional mintTokensInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that mints tokens.

  • Optional createMetadataInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that creates the metadata account.

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