Type alias DeleteCandyMachineBuilderParams

DeleteCandyMachineBuilderParams: {
    candyMachine: PublicKey;
    authority?: undefined | Signer;
    candyGuard?: undefined | PublicKey;
    candyGuardAuthority?: undefined | Signer;
    deleteCandyMachineInstructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • candyMachine: PublicKey

    The address of the Candy Machine account to delete.

  • Optional authority?: undefined | Signer

    The authority of the Candy Machine account.

    This is the account that will received the rent-exemption lamports from the Candy Machine account.

    Default Value


  • Optional candyGuard?: undefined | PublicKey

    The address of the Candy Guard associated with the Candy Machine account. When provided the Candy Guard will be deleted as well.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being deleted.

  • Optional candyGuardAuthority?: undefined | Signer

    The authority of the Candy Guard account to delete.

    This is only required if candyGuard is provided and the Candy Guard authority is not the same as the Candy Machine authority.

    Default Value


  • Optional deleteCandyMachineInstructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that deletes the Candy Machine account.

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