Type alias MintNftBuilderParams

MintNftBuilderParams: {
    nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "tokenStandard">;
    amount?: undefined | SplTokenAmount;
    toOwner?: undefined | PublicKey;
    toToken?: undefined | PublicKey;
    authority?: undefined | Signer | TokenMetadataAuthorityMetadata;
    authorizationDetails?: undefined | TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "tokenStandard">

    The NFT or SFT to mint from. We only need its address and token standard.

  • Optional amount?: undefined | SplTokenAmount

    The amount of tokens to mint.

    Default Value


  • Optional toOwner?: undefined | PublicKey

    The owner of the destination token account.

    Default Value


  • Optional toToken?: undefined | PublicKey

    The address of the destination token account.

    This may be a regular token account or an associated token account. If the token account does not exist, then it will be created but only if it is an associated token account.

    Default Value

    Defaults to using the associated token account from the nftOrSft.address and toOwner parameters.

  • Optional authority?: undefined | Signer | TokenMetadataAuthorityMetadata

    An authority allowed to mint the asset.

    This must be the update authority for Non-Fungible assets and the mint authority for Semi-Fungible assets.

    Note that Delegate and Holder authorities are not supported for this instruction.



    Default Value


  • Optional authorizationDetails?: undefined | TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails

    The authorization rules and data to use for the mint.



    Default Value

    Defaults to not using auth rules.

  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that uses the NFT.

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