Type alias RevokeNftCollectionAuthorityBuilderParams

RevokeNftCollectionAuthorityBuilderParams: {
    mintAddress: PublicKey;
    collectionAuthority: PublicKey;
    revokeAuthority?: undefined | Signer;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • mintAddress: PublicKey

    The address of the mint account.

  • collectionAuthority: PublicKey

    The address of the collection authority to revoke.

  • Optional revokeAuthority?: undefined | Signer

    An authority that can revoke this collection authority.

    This can either be the collection's update authority or the delegated collection authority itself (i.e. revoking its own rights).

  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that revokes the collection authority.

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