Type alias TransferNftBuilderParams

TransferNftBuilderParams: {
    toOwner: PublicKey;
    nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "tokenStandard">;
    amount?: undefined | SplTokenAmount;
    toToken?: undefined | PublicKey;
    fromOwner?: undefined | PublicKey;
    fromToken?: undefined | PublicKey;
    compression?: undefined | TransferNftCompressionParam;
    authority?: undefined | Signer | TokenMetadataAuthorityHolder | TokenMetadataAuthorityTokenDelegate;
    authorizationDetails?: undefined | TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • toOwner: PublicKey

    The wallet to send the tokens to.

  • nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "tokenStandard">

    The NFT or SFT to transfer. We only need its address and token standard.

  • Optional amount?: undefined | SplTokenAmount

    The amount of tokens to transfer.

    Default Value


  • Optional toToken?: undefined | PublicKey

    The token account to be credited.

    Default Value

    Defaults to the associated token account of toOwner.

  • Optional fromOwner?: undefined | PublicKey

    The wallet to get the tokens from.

    Default Value

    The public key of the provided authority.

  • Optional fromToken?: undefined | PublicKey

    The token account to be debited.

    Default Value

    Defaults to the associated token account of fromOwner.

  • Optional compression?: undefined | TransferNftCompressionParam

    The compression data needed for transfer.

  • Optional authority?: undefined | Signer | TokenMetadataAuthorityHolder | TokenMetadataAuthorityTokenDelegate

    An authority allowed to transfer the asset.

    Note that Metadata authorities are not supported for this instruction.

    If a Signer is provided directly, it will be used as an Holder authority.



    Default Value


  • Optional authorizationDetails?: undefined | TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails

    The authorization rules and data to use for the transfer.



    Default Value

    Defaults to not using auth rules.

  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

    A key to distinguish the instruction that uses the NFT.

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