Type alias CancelBidBuilderParams

CancelBidBuilderParams: {
    auctionHouse: Pick<AuctionHouse, "address" | "authorityAddress" | "feeAccountAddress" | "hasAuctioneer">;
    bid: Pick<Bid, "asset" | "tradeStateAddress" | "buyerAddress" | "receiptAddress" | "price" | "tokens" | "isPublic">;
    auctioneerAuthority?: undefined | Signer;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • auctionHouse: Pick<AuctionHouse, "address" | "authorityAddress" | "feeAccountAddress" | "hasAuctioneer">

    The Auction House in which to cancel Bid. We only need a subset of the AuctionHouse model but we need enough information regarding its settings to know how to cancel bid.

    This includes, its address, authority address, its fee account address, etc.

  • bid: Pick<Bid, "asset" | "tradeStateAddress" | "buyerAddress" | "receiptAddress" | "price" | "tokens" | "isPublic">

    The Bid to cancel. We only need a subset of the Bid model but we need enough information regarding its settings to know how to cancel it.

    This includes, its asset, buyer address, price, receipt address etc.

  • Optional auctioneerAuthority?: undefined | Signer

    The Auctioneer authority key. It is required when Auction House has Auctioneer enabled.

    Default Value

    No default value.

  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

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