Type alias WithdrawFromTreasuryAccountBuilderParams

WithdrawFromTreasuryAccountBuilderParams: {
    amount: SolAmount | SplTokenAmount;
    auctionHouse: Pick<AuctionHouse, "address" | "authorityAddress" | "treasuryMint" | "treasuryWithdrawalDestinationAddress">;
    authority?: undefined | Signer;
    instructionKey?: undefined | string;

Type declaration

  • amount: SolAmount | SplTokenAmount

    Amount of funds to withdraw. This can either be in SOL or in the SPL token used by the Auction House as a currency.

  • auctionHouse: Pick<AuctionHouse, "address" | "authorityAddress" | "treasuryMint" | "treasuryWithdrawalDestinationAddress">

    The Auction House from which to transfer funds from the treasury wallet to the treasury withdrawal destination wallet. treasuryWithdrawalDestinationAddress is set on Auction House creation, but you can also change it via the update operation.

  • Optional authority?: undefined | Signer

    The Auction House authority.

    Default Value


  • Optional instructionKey?: undefined | string

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