Type alias CandyMachineV2HiddenSettings

CandyMachineV2HiddenSettings: {
    name: string;
    uri: string;
    hash: number[];

An optional setting that makes items in the Candy Machine hidden by providing a single URI for all minted NFTs and the hash of a file that maps mint number to actual NFT URIs.

Hidden settings serve two purposes.

  • First, it allows the creation of larger drops (20k+), since the JSON metadata URIs are not stored on-chain for each item.
  • In turn, this also allows the creation of hide-and-reveal drops, where users discover which items they minted after the mint is complete.

Once hidden settings are enabled, every minted NFT will have the same URI and the name will be created by appending the mint number (e.g., “#45”) to the specified name. The hash is expected to be a 32 character string corresponding to the hash of a cache file that has the mapping between a mint number and the actual metadata URI. This allows the order of the mint to be verified by others after the mint is complete.

Since the metadata URIs are not on-chain, it is possible to create very large drops. The only caveat is that there is a need for an off-chain process to update the metadata for each item. This is important otherwise all items will have the same metadata.

Type declaration

  • Readonly name: string

    The base name for all minted NFTs. The number of the mint will be appended to this name.

  • Readonly uri: string

    The URI shared by all minted NFTs.

  • Readonly hash: number[]

    A 32-character hash. In most cases this is the hash of the cache file with the mapping between mint numbers and metadata URIs so that the order can be verified when the mint is complete.

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