Type alias CreateAccountInput

CreateAccountInput: {
    space: number;
    lamports?: SolAmount;
    newAccount?: Signer;
    program?: PublicKey;

Type declaration

  • space: number

    The space in bytes of the account to create.

  • Optional lamports?: SolAmount

    The initial balance of the account.

    Default Value

    By default, this will be the minumum amount of lamports required for the account to be rent-exempt. i.e. it will be equal to await metaplex.rpc().getRent(space).

  • Optional newAccount?: Signer

    The new account as a Signer since it will be mutated on-chain.

    Default Value

    Defaults to a new generated Keypair, i.e. Keypair.generate()

  • Optional program?: PublicKey

    The address of the program that should own the new account.

    Default Value

    Defaults to the System Program.

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