Type alias NftOriginalEdition

NftOriginalEdition: {
    model: "nftEdition";
    isOriginal: true;
    address: PublicKey;
    supply: BigNumber;
    maxSupply: Option<BigNumber>;

Type declaration

  • Readonly model: "nftEdition"

    A model identifier to distinguish models in the SDK.

  • Readonly isOriginal: true

    Whether or not this is an original edition. This field helps distinguish between the NftOriginalEdition and the NftPrintEdition models.

  • Readonly address: PublicKey

    The address of the edition account.

  • Readonly supply: BigNumber

    The current supply of printed editions.

  • Readonly maxSupply: Option<BigNumber>

    The maximum supply of printed editions. When this is null, an unlimited amount of editions can be printed from the original edition.

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