Type alias MintSettingsParserInput<Settings, MintSettings>

MintSettingsParserInput<Settings, MintSettings>: {
    metaplex: Metaplex;
    settings: Settings;
    mintSettings: Option<MintSettings>;
    owner: PublicKey;
    payer: Signer;
    mint: Signer;
    candyMachine: PublicKey;
    candyGuard: PublicKey;
    candyGuardAuthority: PublicKey;
    programs: Program[];

The input passed to each guard when building the mint instruction.

Type Parameters

  • Settings

  • MintSettings

Type declaration

  • metaplex: Metaplex

    The metaplex instance used to mint.

  • settings: Settings

    The guard's settings.

  • mintSettings: Option<MintSettings>

    The optional mint settings.

  • owner: PublicKey

    The owner of the minted NFT, this is typically the payer.

  • payer: Signer

    The minting wallet as a Signer.

  • mint: Signer

    The NFT mint account as a Signer.

  • candyMachine: PublicKey

    The address of the Candy Machine we are minting from.

  • candyGuard: PublicKey

    The address of the Candy Guard we are minting from.

  • candyGuardAuthority: PublicKey

    The address of the Candy Guard's authority.

  • programs: Program[]

    An optional set of programs that override the registered ones.

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