Type alias VerifyNftCollectionInput

VerifyNftCollectionInput: {
    mintAddress: PublicKey;
    collectionMintAddress: PublicKey;
    collectionAuthority?: Signer;
    isSizedCollection?: boolean;
    isDelegated?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • mintAddress: PublicKey

    The address of the mint account.

  • collectionMintAddress: PublicKey

    The mint address of the collection NFT.

  • Optional collectionAuthority?: Signer

    An authority that can verify and unverify collection items from the provided collectionMintAddress.

    Default Value


  • Optional isSizedCollection?: boolean

    Whether or not the provided collectionMintAddress is a sized collection (as opposed to a legacy collection).

    Default Value


  • Optional isDelegated?: boolean

    Whether or not the provided collectionAuthority is a delegated collection authority, i.e. it was approved by the update authority using metaplex.nfts().approveCollectionAuthority().

    Default Value


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