Type alias Mint

Mint: {
    model: "mint";
    address: PublicKey;
    mintAuthorityAddress: Option<PublicKey>;
    freezeAuthorityAddress: Option<PublicKey>;
    decimals: number;
    supply: SplTokenAmount;
    isWrappedSol: boolean;
    currency: SplTokenCurrency;

This model represents a mint account.

Type declaration

  • Readonly model: "mint"

    A model identifier to distinguish models in the SDK.

  • Readonly address: PublicKey

    The address of the mint account.

  • Readonly mintAuthorityAddress: Option<PublicKey>

    The address of the authority that is allowed to mint new tokens to token accounts.

    When null, no authority is ever allowed to mint new tokens.

  • Readonly freezeAuthorityAddress: Option<PublicKey>

    The address of the authority that is allowed to freeze token accounts.

    When null, no authority is ever allowed to freeze token accounts.

  • Readonly decimals: number

    The number of decimal points used to define token amounts.

  • Readonly supply: SplTokenAmount

    The current supply of tokens across all token accounts.

  • Readonly isWrappedSol: boolean

    Helper boolean to determine whether this mint account is the mint account that wraps SOL as an SPL token.

  • Readonly currency: SplTokenCurrency

    A currency object that can be used to create amounts representing the tokens of this mint account.

    For instance, here's how you can transform an amount of token in basis points into an Amount object.

    const tokenBasisPoints = 1000;
    const tokensAsAmount = amount(tokenBasisPoints, mint.currency);

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