Type alias CandyMachineV2WhitelistMintSettings

CandyMachineV2WhitelistMintSettings: {
    mode: WhitelistMintMode;
    mint: PublicKey;
    presale: boolean;
    discountPrice: Option<Amount>;

Whitelist settings provide a variety of different use cases and revolve around the idea of using custom SPL tokens to offer special rights to token holders. How these SPL tokens are distributed is up to you.

For example, you can offer a discount to token holders, you can allow token holders to mint NFTs before everyone else, or a combination of both.

Type declaration

  • Readonly mode: WhitelistMintMode

    Determines how the whitelist token is used.

    • WhitelistMintMode.BurnEveryTime: a whitelist token is burned every time an NFT is mint.
    • WhitelistMintMode.NeverBurn: whitelist tokens are kept after minting.
  • Readonly mint: PublicKey

    The mint address of the whitelist token.

  • Readonly presale: boolean

    Indicates whether whitelist token holders can mint before the live date.

  • Readonly discountPrice: Option<Amount>

    The updated price for whitelist token holders. When provided, this discountPrice will be used instead of the original price for whitelist token holders only. When null, everybody will pay the original price.

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