Type alias MintTokensInput

MintTokensInput: {
    mintAddress: PublicKey;
    amount: SplTokenAmount;
    toOwner?: PublicKey;
    toToken?: PublicKey | Signer;
    mintAuthority?: PublicKey | Signer;
    multiSigners?: KeypairSigner[];

Type declaration

  • mintAddress: PublicKey

    The address of the mint account.

  • amount: SplTokenAmount

    The amount of tokens to mint.

  • Optional toOwner?: PublicKey

    The owner of the token account to mint to.

    Default Value


  • Optional toToken?: PublicKey | Signer

    The address of the token account to mint to.

    Note that this may be required as a Signer if the destination token account does not exist and we need to create it before minting the tokens.

    Default Value

    Defaults to using the associated token account from the mintAddress and toOwner parameters.

  • Optional mintAuthority?: PublicKey | Signer

    The authority that is allowed to mint new tokens as a Signer.

    This may be provided as a PublicKey if and only if the multiSigners parameter is provided.

    Default Value


  • Optional multiSigners?: KeypairSigner[]

    The signing accounts to use if the mint authority is a multisig.

    Default Value


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