Type alias MintFromCandyMachineInput<Settings, MintSettings>

MintFromCandyMachineInput<Settings, MintSettings>: {
    candyMachine: Pick<CandyMachine<Settings>, "address" | "collectionMintAddress" | "candyGuard">;
    collectionUpdateAuthority: PublicKey;
    mintAuthority?: Signer;
    mint?: Signer;
    owner?: PublicKey;
    token?: Signer;
    group?: Option<string>;
    guards?: Partial<MintSettings>;

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • candyMachine: Pick<CandyMachine<Settings>, "address" | "collectionMintAddress" | "candyGuard">

    The Candy Machine to mint from. We only need a subset of the CandyMachine model but we need enough information regarding its settings to know how to mint from it.

    This includes its address, the address of its Collection NFT and, optionally, the Candy Guard account associated with it.

  • collectionUpdateAuthority: PublicKey

    The address of the update authority of the Collection NFT that is being assigned to each minted NFT.

  • Optional mintAuthority?: Signer

    The authority that is allowed to mint NFTs from the Candy Machine.

    Default Value

    metaplex.identity() if the Candy Machine has no associated Candy Guard. Otherwise, this parameter will be ignored.

  • Optional mint?: Signer

    The mint account to create as a Signer. This expects a brand new Keypair with no associated account.

    Default Value


  • Optional owner?: PublicKey

    The owner of the minted NFT.

    Defaults to the wallet that is paying for it, i.e. payer.

    Default Value


  • Optional token?: Signer

    The new token account to create as a Signer.

    This property would typically be ignored as, by default, it will create a associated token account from the owner and mint properties.

    When provided, the owner property will be ignored.

    Default Value

    associated token address of owner and mint.

  • Optional group?: Option<string>

    The label of the group to mint from.

    If groups are configured on the Candy Machine, you must specify a group label to mint from.

    When set to null it will mint using the default guards, provided no groups are configured.

    Default Value


  • Optional guards?: Partial<MintSettings>

    Guard-specific data required to mint from the Candy Machine.

    Some guards require additional data to be provided at mint time. For instance, the allowList guard will require a Merkle proof ensuring the minting address is allowed to mint.

    You only need to provide configuration data for the guards that are set up within the group your are minting from.

    Default Value


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