Type alias CreateAuctionHouseInput

CreateAuctionHouseInput: {
    sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
    requiresSignOff?: boolean;
    canChangeSalePrice?: boolean;
    auctioneerScopes?: AuthorityScope[];
    treasuryMint?: PublicKey;
    authority?: PublicKey | Signer;
    feeWithdrawalDestination?: PublicKey;
    treasuryWithdrawalDestinationOwner?: PublicKey;
    auctioneerAuthority?: PublicKey;

Type declaration

  • sellerFeeBasisPoints: number

    The share of the sale the auction house takes on all NFTs as a fee.

  • Optional requiresSignOff?: boolean

    This allows the centralised authority to gate which NFT can be listed, bought and sold.

    Default Value


  • Optional canChangeSalePrice?: boolean

    Is intended to be used with the Auction House that requires sign off. If the seller intentionally lists their NFT for a price of 0, a new FreeSellerTradeState is made. The Auction House can then change the price to match a matching Bid that is greater than 0.

    Default Value


  • Optional auctioneerScopes?: AuthorityScope[]

    The list of scopes available to the user in the Auctioneer. For example Bid, List, Execute Sale.

    Only takes place when Auction House has Auctioneer enabled.

    Default Value

    All scopes available

  • Optional treasuryMint?: PublicKey

    The address of the Auction House treasury mint. The token you accept as the purchase currency.

    Default Value


  • Optional authority?: PublicKey | Signer

    The Authority wallet of the Auction House. It is used to sign off listings and bids in case requiresSignOff is true.

    Default Value


  • Optional feeWithdrawalDestination?: PublicKey

    The account that is marked as a destination of withdrawal from the fee account.

    Default Value


  • Optional treasuryWithdrawalDestinationOwner?: PublicKey

    The account that is marked as the owner of treasury withdrawal destination.

    Default Value


  • Optional auctioneerAuthority?: PublicKey

    The Auctioneer authority key. It is required when Auction House is going to have Auctioneer enabled.

    Default Value

    No default value.

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