Type alias UpdateNftInput

UpdateNftInput: {
    nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "collection" | "creators" | "name" | "symbol" | "uri" | "sellerFeeBasisPoints" | "uses" | "programmableConfig" | "tokenStandard">;
    updateAuthority?: Signer;
    authority?: Signer | TokenMetadataAuthority;
    authorizationDetails?: TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails;
    newUpdateAuthority?: PublicKey;
    name?: string;
    symbol?: string;
    uri?: string;
    sellerFeeBasisPoints?: number;
    creators?: CreatorInput[];
    primarySaleHappened?: boolean;
    isMutable?: boolean;
    uses?: Option<Uses>;
    collection?: Option<PublicKey>;
    ruleSet?: Option<PublicKey>;
    collectionAuthority?: Option<Signer>;
    collectionAuthorityIsDelegated?: boolean;
    collectionIsSized?: boolean;
    oldCollectionAuthority?: Signer;
    oldCollectionIsSized?: boolean;
    collectionDetails?: CollectionDetails;

Type declaration

  • nftOrSft: Pick<Sft, "address" | "collection" | "creators" | "name" | "symbol" | "uri" | "sellerFeeBasisPoints" | "uses" | "programmableConfig" | "tokenStandard">

    The NFT or SFT to update. We only need a subset of the Sft (or Nft) model to figure out the current values for the data of the metadata account and only update the parts that are different.

  • Optional updateAuthority?: Signer

    The current update authority of the asset as a Signer.

    Default Value



    Use authority instead.

  • Optional authority?: Signer | TokenMetadataAuthority

    An authority allowed to update the asset.

    If a Signer is provided directly, it will be used as the update authority.



    Default Value


  • Optional authorizationDetails?: TokenMetadataAuthorizationDetails

    The authorization rules and data to use for the update.



    Default Value

    Defaults to not using auth rules.

  • Optional newUpdateAuthority?: PublicKey

    The address of the new update authority to set for the asset

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional name?: string

    The new on-chain name of the asset.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional symbol?: string

    The new on-chain symbol of the asset.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional uri?: string

    The new on-chain uri of the asset.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional sellerFeeBasisPoints?: number

    The new royalties of the asset in percent basis point (i.e. 250 is 2.5%) that should be paid to the creators on each secondary sale.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional creators?: CreatorInput[]

    The new creators for the asset. For each creator, if an authority Signer is provided, the creator will be marked as verified.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional primarySaleHappened?: boolean

    Whether or not the asset has already been sold to its first buyer. This can only be flipped from false to true.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional isMutable?: boolean

    Whether or not the asset is mutable. When set to false no one can update the Metadata account, not even the update authority. This can only be flipped from true to false.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional uses?: Option<Uses>

    When this field is not null, it indicates that the asset can be "used" by its owner or any approved "use authorities".

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional collection?: Option<PublicKey>

    The new Collection NFT that this asset belongs to. When null, this will remove the asset from its current collection.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional ruleSet?: Option<PublicKey>

    The ruleset account that should be used to configure the programmable NFT.

    This is only relevant for programmable NFTs, i.e. if the tokenStandard is set to TokenStandard.ProgrammableNonFungible.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

  • Optional collectionAuthority?: Option<Signer>

    The collection authority that should sign the asset to prove that it is part of the newly provided collection. When null, the provided collection will not be verified.

    Default Value


  • Optional collectionAuthorityIsDelegated?: boolean

    Whether or not the provided collectionAuthority is a delegated collection authority, i.e. it was approved by the update authority using metaplex.nfts().approveCollectionAuthority().

    Default Value


  • Optional collectionIsSized?: boolean

    Whether or not the newly provided collection is a sized collection and not a legacy collection.

    Default Value


  • Optional oldCollectionAuthority?: Signer

    The authority of the asset's current collection. This may be required if the current collection is being removed or updated and needs to be unverified before doing so.

    Default Value


  • Optional oldCollectionIsSized?: boolean

    Whether or not the asset's current collection is a sized collection and not a legacy collection.

    Default Value


  • Optional collectionDetails?: CollectionDetails

    Transforms a regular NFT into a Collection NFT of the provided size.

    The provided size should include all verified NFTs and/or SFTs within the Collection. Unverified NFTs and/or SFTs should not be included in the size.

    Warning, once set, this size can no longer be updated manually.

    Default Value

    Defaults to not being updated.

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