Type alias MigrateToSizedCollectionNftInput

MigrateToSizedCollectionNftInput: {
    mintAddress: PublicKey;
    size: BigNumber;
    collectionAuthority?: Signer;
    isDelegated?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • mintAddress: PublicKey

    The address of the mint account.

  • size: BigNumber

    The current size of all verified NFTs and/or SFTs within the Collection.

    Warning, once set, this size can no longer be updated.

  • Optional collectionAuthority?: Signer

    An authority that can update the Collection NFT at the given mint address. This can either be the update authority for that Collection NFT or an approved delegate authority.

    Default Value


  • Optional isDelegated?: boolean

    Whether or not the provided collectionAuthority is a delegated collection authority, i.e. it was approved by the update authority using metaplex.nfts().approveCollectionAuthority().

    Default Value


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